Tuesday, August 23, 2011


ok.... here's the thing, i straightly challenging ALL of you here to announced yourself, to admitted yourself, that you are a human-including me frankly-, don't you agree about that statement? some of the natural habit of the creature called human is not that good in term, ok, lets name it: complainer-check-, Crybaby-check, furier-check.... it's so natural for us-a normal human races- whom ever at least once in the zillion year of his life ever being that kind of human.

C-mon man.... being a stubborn, angry, complainer crybaby sometimes is not an eternal CURSE from our ancestor, me myself would be love to called it as a GIFT, I mean, if every single person in this narrow world has an absolute PERFECT EMOTIONS, there will be no harmony, there will be no wonderful tales such as cinderella or even Shrek, because they left no protagonist and antagonist since all the people in this world has PERFECT EMOTIONS.... i'm solemnly THANKFUL to our beloved mighty Creator to made us-human- with their dynamically changing emotions, because i do believe that dinamically changing emotions made us a walking creature with the WILL to push their edge, to have an ambitions, to give a chance to CARING and LOVING and COMPLETING each other...

I totally understand when there is some slightly problem that might occurred when there is a bunch of human with unbalanced emotion made some kind of chaotic situations(world war,genochide,cannibalism, you name it), it's just a price to pay anyway, do you have enough to pay for it? No? U don't have? Hmmm i think being a human not so fit with you... you should try being an Pineapple or Mollusca, they seem preety cheap on emotions and conflicts with their solitary life recently .

It is true that when there is trouble, the unbalanced emotions may lead into another worse problem, and as a human we are also equipped with brain which always doing its best to keep it on a right track, so i think the problem may comes into the condition which the brain are incapable to hold the unbalanced emotion

some of (assumed)perfect emotions human always encouraged us another ordinary human to not wasting our time to cry or complaining too much, in some case it is true, but as I said before, that cry, being complainer or even angry is a manifested form of a natural human, so to embrace our gift on it, we are not suppose to ditching the person who cry, angry or even suddenly complained too much, it is trully indicated that they have a problem, they need help, they need to be taken care of... this is the time when god show us his bless, He gives us a chance to CARING and LOVING and COMPLETING each other...

so people.... will you hate us? another human who have a problem, another human who would trully relieved when we asked by a simple words 'Are u OK?', we need your help... we just felt so deserted, unloved and INCOMPLETED...

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