Tuesday, January 10, 2012

when migrainous monstrous attacked

hey there.... it's been a while ya....

umm.... I’d like to describe my updated condition, just picturing a piece of paper, filled with a bunch of chaotic sentences and words, so mess up....

so many things to do this years, and I haven’t taken a piece of first step yet….

And now, a migraine is suddenly attack me hahahha….

A mixed of sadness, loneliness and hungry just make it worst

Am I complaining? Am I whining? Ah hell yeah…. Too tired of somebody who ask me to be strong all the time…. I’m not always strong anyway….

Anyway, my big things to do in 2012 would be:

- go to Singapore

- starting to do my thesis

- ah darn it…. Let it flow would ya’

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